Philosophical materialist claims about the world include explanations for a theory of mind. This is important from an artist philosophical perspective. its the foundation for any art practice that seeks to represent features of the world that include other minds. I find subjective idealism and mind/body dualism enticing to the point of subscribing to both these positions throughout the course of an intellectual life. However from a representational perspective of the art works constructed since 2005 these ontological perspectives take up a minor role. Art works tend to have a unitary approach to reality rather than binary. The works could be interpreted to reference subjective idealism. Though in general philosophical materialism of the constructivist variety would be more closely aligned to any cogent sense of the structure as an informed practice based on reflections on rationality and persons.
a materialist concept of mind as taken from the production of artifact does not entirely claim the mind is identical to the brain qua person. So Many of the works rely on a component of space in relation to possible states of mind that blur ontological Categories. A possible state of mind, conceptualized as non being from a materialist perspective, from a dualist framework would give reference to extra mental, non physical elementals. That is popularly equated with immaterial substances like the 'soul' that could evoke infinite minds within a grain of physical space. The works tend to draw out this movement of being towards being as an infinite regress that attempts to delay non being as being through a binary implicit in mind/body dualism, or in the case of spiritual monism that advocates merging into consciousness as a universal.
Its a meditation on being towards being, even if bound by a frame or limits of the object. However being towards being is contingent on general states of affairs that pose limits on personal identity as a modality for perpetual creative endeavours. The art works attempt to resolve this philosophical puzzle through generating syncretic fields as a way to blend self into objects and social constructs so that some of the properties inherent as personal identity are realizable through other states of affairs. Philosophical thought experiments like the teletransportaion paradox, bring out the theory of syncretic fields in that properties inherent in a self would contain everything that matters to the artistic process at any point that an activity takes place as a relation whole.